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Who first discovered the North Sea? Did the Minoans?

2015.11.29 16:00:41

The Pytheas the 4th century before Christ.

Αναζητώντας στην αβαθή θάλασσα Βατ κατά τη δεκαετία του 90 μαζί με φοιτητές του την καταποντισμένη μεσαιωνική πόλη Ρούνγκχολτ έκανε μια αναπάντεχη ανακάλυψη.
Μέσα σε ένα στρώμα τύρφης που χρονολογείται περί το 1300 π.Χ. εντόπισε μινωικά ευρήματα, θραύσματα αγγείων, θυμίαμα, κοπάλη, λάπις λάζουλι και μια σφραγίδα με επιγραφή σε γραμμική γραφή Α. Αν τα ευρήματα ερμηνεύονται σωστά, τότε όντως Μινωίτες από την Κρήτη ανακάλυψαν πρώτοι τη Βόρεια Θάλασσα.
- See more at: thing one reverse this established scientifically. And yet it has been trying for many years the German ethnologist and historian of culture Hans Peter Duras.

 Searching in shallow sea Wat in the 90s along with students of the submerged medieval town Roungkcholt made a startling discovery.
Within a peat layer dating around 1300 BC identified Minoan finds, fragments of vessels, incense, copal, lapis lazuli and stamped with an inscription in Linear A.

If the findings are interpreted correctly, then indeed Minoans from Crete discovered first North Sea.

Challenging and certainty:

Two books dedicated by Duras on this issue, first released in 2008 entitled "The tearful goddesses"
and the second last year of the important house Insel entitled "The Journey of the Argonauts'.
The incumbent science faced investigations of Duras rather amusing, tended to see him as rather eccentric charlatan.
Things are slowly changing.
The Minoan findings of an amateur archaeologist now considered indisputable. In the laboratories of the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the University of Bonn
it was confirmed by the method of neutron activation their dating, and their origin.
Similar fragments are found only in Ancient Kommos, port of Phaistos, southern Crete.
Science moves:
Scholars of related disciplines are now beginning to see with another eye the supposed illusions of stubborn Hans Peter Duras
and the Süddeutsche Zeitung of Munich gave step this week.
The eminent Hellenist Zurich Walter Bourkert calls for new excavations in the sea of ​​Wat to support the initial findings of Duras,
the archaeologist of Erlangen Hartmut Mateusz considers probable a Minoan mission in Cornwall
and beyond in tin search as imports from Asia were interrupted by the war Hittites and Egyptians,
the Heidelberg archaeologist Paul Yulia considers genuine stamp and assumes that the inscription refers to Ino, goddess of the seas.
Thus the accidental discovery of a group of students and their teacher in the muddy waters of Wat begins to crystallize
and overturns a scientific assumption and spontaneous certainty of simple logic,
that hardly would accept the presence bronzed Minoans from 3300 years ago in the windswept North Sea.
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